This is Anuria, The center of the Sky Kingdom, and where the king lives in, lots of ships protect this island from the attacks from the surface, so it is the safest place in the entire Sky Kingdom
this deserves front page! seriously!
when you add the stuff (if you wanted to) can you teach me how to use dlay correctly?
that was a very long post but ive seen longer
sorry if im giving ideas too fast. you should also add a...-trouble thinking-...OH! a water extracter by the water pond. it extracts water (even though the water will have clone in it) and the water is used for energy(it will look like it but it really wont unless youre that good in electronics) yeah...a water extracter
maybe clouds to make it realistic?(not clouds holding the island up, i mean like around the island)
amazing! i also love what you did with the quartz and the island itself!
fine, waterfall added
Yeah, a waterfall would be cool
ooh maybe a waterfall flowing off the side maybe
awesome and like i said youre allowed to use one of my elemental towns in my elemental city jmpuchito.