388 / 22
13th Sep 2013
17th Dec 2013
Nearest to the great Imperial Palace, District 2's surface is dominated by the gargantuan Tritus Power and Research facility, accompanied by the all-important Garrum Space Tether and the UCP Imperatan HQ.
destroyable citadel city warhammer neut citybomb protons citynuke funny virus


  • LunaInReal
    12th Apr 2017
    add prit next to the tower
  • panzertank
    27th Mar 2017
    "JOHNY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" "I just dropped a battery. dude calm down." "WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!"
  • TheDarkAngel
    13th Feb 2017
    Long Life the emperor of Mankind
  • a6zero
    4th Feb 2017
    the bombardment began, hitting first the flying buildings. the imperatus soldiers tried to shoot down the shells, but as they did, the thermite spread further. then, bored of waiting some unknown force sparked a building, but, much to his suprise, the reacotr went critical, reducing the city to a pile of molten pixels
  • wersywek
    11th Jan 2017
    In every your map, when you spark something, the map explodes... +1
  • xXFuzzeeXx
    15th Dec 2016
    So, wait, these people have peace at mind, and can sleep at night, knowing that if one singular proton even looks funny at the center tower, everyone dies?
  • Endokryn
    7th Nov 2016
    Thanks, Emperor- another great gift, this time an exploding city.
  • LoopholeHacker
    4th Jun 2016
    just spark one of the main buildings and the whole thing goes up.
  • LordDeathera
    24th Mar 2016
    This is amazing, a lot of time, effort and care has been put into this and it's paid off. Great job +1
  • aerial11
    28th Jan 2016
    it's so like the imperium to build something that would blow up with a single stray proton, and with that vibranium not even the goo lining the walls is left standing... I love this save