took me ages so dont hate. and its my first attempt at a clock. enjoy
combustion-ma sorry I don't like a LCD display with WIFI and as slow as this :D 'took me ages' My processor also took me ages but people still hate so... Not a valid reason for 'don't hate' Well I won't hate this :D
I had to see how long i shower so it was practically 6:28 mins LOL! awesome clock seems easy but when building it no.
@Complexeption ive explained this before - change the temp of the dlay to the FPS of your comp - everyones comp runs at a different speed. i have a really slow laptop so it would be faster on your comp.
This is truly 20% cooler!! :D great job! (the seconds are too fast though :P)
when does it glich?
thats so allsome but it gliches thats all how amazing is that
@JakeTheSnake113 read the signs change the temp of the dlay to change the speed of the clock to match the fps of your comp!!!
Very good @combustion-man, very good indeed!
It's a little fast, but it's cool and works great! +1
Wow, this is excellent.