@the_new_powder99999 I believe that's known as a nova. Basically, there are two starts orbiting eachother. One goes red giant and becomes a white dwarf. Then, once the other one becomes a red giant, the white dwarf start sucking in the plasma off of the red giant. After a while, the white dwarf grows massive and explodes before returning to its normal size. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Apparently there was a star that exploded in a strange way and became the biggest star that we knew about for a short time but then it went back to its original size.
Thank you, another informative astronomer on here... :)
@oldmud, yes it is in a way. i'll explain soon. @feymanlogomaker, pronounce it (bee-tul-juu-ze). VY Canis and betelguese have been draw to perspective, the sun hasn't though, if it were possible to split one pixel on tpt into a 100x100 grid and one dot was placed on that grid, then it's accurate. BTW anyone who thinks it is kinda scary to think about, remeber that betelguese is 100 of lightyears away and VY CAnis is Millions of light years away. The only star we should fear is our own, but not for a while. our sun is very slwly expanding (at less than 1 cubic milimetre per year) and in a couple of tens of million years from now, our sun will have expanded enough to incinerate all life on earth. it will be hundreds of million year befor our sun become a red giant.
Question: is this even accurate?
kk1912: That is total CAKE. We may be destroyed in that.
Itse spelled "Betelgeuse" not "betleegeuse"
Canis Majouris is the largest KNOWN star in the universe.