As far as I know(and trust me I looked) this is the first infinite fusion bomb that uses a remote and doesn't rely on enclosed spaces or warp. Right now I am trying to find a way to get the reaction kick started by using minimal amounts of clne types
well it stopped..........after quite a while though. i guess it's just were lucky 1+ still longer than other's i've seen :)
yes I know this is mindless Just posted it by accident then it got fp so I thought might as well give it a description
wow another mindless bcln/pbcn bomb...
seems to be working for everyone else.
I just timed it, and it stopped right before the 1.5 minute mark
mine cut out in 1-2 minutes
how long I let this run for 3 hours and it was still going XD
Not truly infinite. If you let it run for a bit, it eventually winds down.
I hesitated to call it a star because of all the flak this would get in the comments knowing the community and all....
poor destroyable city 5