28 / 1
17th Oct 2013
16th Jan 2015
i need somewhere to keep and work on things. might as well keep it public. things in here aren't necassarily made by me. and if you want me to remove something (you made) please tell me.
electronic electronics linuxoid advanced hightech components free2copy


  • G-LinuxorU
    2nd Nov 2013
    @anonymous100 im not saying no but i learned from watching behavior of others' creations and assimilating bits i found interesting or useful. if i were to do a tutorial it would be way down the line once i understand things better. the best thing i think i did to learn was, whenever i saw room for improvment (on someone elses thing) i went for it. usually that presents me with engineering obstacles to which i learned to overcome, if that makes sense. it's a culmination of experience.
  • Anonymous100
    31st Oct 2013
    @G-LinuxorU, if you could, I'd like to know a lot mor about these intricate electronic builds. I know a alot about most of the electronics of tpt, but I don't know how to apply them to my every day machines. Would you mind making me a save that explains it better?
  • nijalninja98
    27th Oct 2013
    if you can help me fix this 1352816 i will let you put it in here.