Everyone intrested in lasers or reactors can join. Just post in comment if you want. If you cant make laser but you want do it we got a special tutorial for you. Club is just starting but I hope we can become big.
new update, new lasers of max STERNGHHJSJDFSGDDSG
Alright you got it! You can also give the ID! Tell people in your saves to join us. Copy one of that logos to your saves and lets grow big!
if you wish i can give you the id to one of my best saves
pffffft people never told me about this! could I join up? who knows might give me some inspiration :P
I hate you right now :D Yea it was on fp by accident :D i just ran out of ideas and made that btw if you need electronics for your save just tell me. I am intrested in it a bit.
oh uhhhh.....i actually downed that.....uhhh......
hey guys check it out i totally forgot :D it was on fp!! and its mine! ID:1341930
you could make a thread for this with special permission (they don't allow group threads) for more members and popularity
the logo looks good to me but (the one i made) it might have been too excessive.....so many different elements...
well there is supposed to be shining gbmb in the n......but......gbmb doesnt last forever i guess when you copied it it ran out already