Everyone intrested in lasers or reactors can join. Just post in comment if you want. If you cant make laser but you want do it we got a special tutorial for you. Club is just starting but I hope we can become big.
Ok i think i can use your logo huh? Remember to put it in your saves and a sign with link to this site.
Alright! You made a logo for us so youll get silver status!
Yeah Schneumer is good :D
made a logo id:1348312
me? i made a warp laser and stuff and a super phot gun. i think i meet the requirements. :D and i know slick :)
Alright ill try to keep it in compact size. My best thing i can do is electron laser. I can make attatchment for H-POC you know backup laser thing.
Thanks man! I'm a bit interested in what you're capable of. If you're interested, I'd like ou to make a random attachment for hpoc of your chosing. However unlike the other one I don't use wall and I try to keep it compact :D Gl if you decide to try.
I made it as small as passible. And btw H-POC is best laser in the world :D I love it.
alright wait a while
I don't have much room in my saves, so as small as possible is best. :D