That's an amazing endeavour. Good job at creating this amazing piece of... technological artwork. I haven't seen anything like it, it's amazing!
If you use portals you could double the size since their channels are independent from wifi.
Im Horribal at electronics and didnt understand any of that
thiskal... Not at all. Well explained. I just don't like the answer. ( Damnable reality! ) Thanks for your patience. I missed, but should have realized, that a common temp WIFI is used to reset all the pixels.
no it isnt stupid but if you would use a flip-flop you would also have to create a machine top remember witch pixels are turned of and on or the user would have to remember witch frame is turned in the previous game, and when even one pixel is placed wrong the whole thing would go wrong. thats because; it also would be possible to double the space reqeured to read the framinfo one half for turning on the pixels the other half for turning of the right pixels but that would make it slower and bigger.but it wont make the screen any bigger, if you turn off deco and look at th wifi temps for turning of pixels they all are the same temparature -273 that is because for it makes the new frame the old one get deleted. sorry if i explained everything a bit crappy.
thiskal... I am in no way one with a deep uderstanding of all aspects of electronics. So, I apologize for my ignorant questions. If you use one WIFI to turn a switching circut, a (flip-flop) on and off, instead of a seperate WIFI for each operation, (one for on, one for of) could one pix of WIFI be used for each pixel of the screen? In the write process now, are two WIFI used, one to turn on, one to turn of, for each pixel? If so, would not a need to have only one WIFI to toggle each screen pixel on/off mean double the WIFI avalible for the screen pixel number to double? Sorry if my question is... stupid.
no there are 101 wifi channals and i use 100 channels to toggle individual pixels on and 1 to turn them all off
thiskal... If you use only one WIFI pix for a toggle, switching between on and off, could you then double the resolution? I think so.
Video maker? I've seen this before though. That's the problem. However this is extremely advanced, so I will cut you some slack and say good work.