29th Oct 2013
30th Oct 2013
when PROT hits other PROT at high speeds, it has a chance to turn into NBLE, CO2, OXYG, PLUT, URAN, or *theory* SING. Also this save has a spark sign. Update: and now a PROT laser. PHOT+H2 = PROT
scratch that theyre just overtaking dcel with layers.. realistic considering it would take miles of lead to slow one down irl.
for instance acel makes them go faster but dcel only slows them down when near. is their minimum velocity so low they cant go slower through the air?
n- well, kind-of. a checkerboard pattern slows them down but not.. exponentially. like with the other energy particles.
Can you make it so theres an element PHOT can go through to turn into PROT? Like PHOT through INVS Turns it into NEUT, and something else (:P cant remember what:P) Turns it into elec! PLZ add it in, it would be awesome! Also go to my saves and look at my save called Idea for Console, and PLZ can you add that in?
if that's true then yes. But my guess is that you are trying to pass PROT through a solid mass of DCEL. That won't work. DCEL works by looking for things in empty surrounding spaces. Try making a checkerboard patter, that has lots of empty spaces for PROT to pass through and get slowed down.
is it a glitch prot dont work with dcel?
QuentinADay: make a sign like {b|text}, and a yellow sign that says "text" will appear. thomahawk: use SOAP instead
hello jacob
what about cure?
how do you make the spark signs?