56 / 12
29th Oct 2013
30th Oct 2013
when PROT hits other PROT at high speeds, it has a chance to turn into NBLE, CO2, OXYG, PLUT, URAN, or *theory* SING. Also this save has a spark sign. Update: and now a PROT laser. PHOT+H2 = PROT
prot blackhole gravity sing collider proton jacob1 sparksign gpmp 1355332


  • G-LinuxorU
    29th Oct 2013
    i found out by setting velocity 0 and setting tmp to 9999 (turns out to be uran) how thick can prot be layered without bhol? could make a superbomb from prot turning into hygn if it can be layered 256 thick.
  • jacob1
    29th Oct 2013
    G-LinuxorU: I made PROT, and I didn't know that lol. I knew some properties must do it, I thought it had to be moving for that to happen though ...
  • All4Staals
    29th Oct 2013
    elementary at best, my dear.
  • G-LinuxorU
    29th Oct 2013
    did you know setting the tmp of prot in incriments of 20 changes it into one of those collision particles after a frame?
  • jacob1
    29th Oct 2013
    lol, it might do that sometimes. My old coliders were pretty low speed, they just used ACEL. This one I made just now, using GPMP, I had to tone it down a lot to make the black holes rarer.
  • Tatr629000
    29th Oct 2013
    it created singularity