11 / 4
29th Oct 2013
29th Oct 2013
What happen to powder walls
glich whathappened co2glich smokeglich


  • andytheepic
    30th Oct 2013
    hmm good point... and same goes for the element: fire......if jacob1 is reading this: can you please add that into your need to fix bugs list?
  • andytheepic
    30th Oct 2013
    hmm... really?
  • quickmind2020
    30th Oct 2013
    well i have tryed the no fan and still the glich is there! Maby the programers added one line of unneeded programing.
  • andytheepic
    30th Oct 2013
    well, never mind about the powder going through gass wall comment. though mostly powders go through fan, so thats why the powder wall assumes that the gasses are powders. also, if you try with powders:no advantage because they mostly go through fan. im pretty sure i've seen this in the last version, but not too sure about the last last update...
  • andytheepic
    30th Oct 2013
    it's because of da fan. it allows the gasses to act like powders, so the powder walls allow gasses to pass. same if you did powder and fan+ gas wall.
  • yyhaoyue
    30th Oct 2013
    co2 is a gas
  • quickmind2020
    30th Oct 2013
    Can any body tell me why this is happing?