"And pressures in this very young universe caused the cloud of gas to spin, and inside this rotating gas cloud, hydrogen would form in very sparse amounts, and to add onto that, there were no temperatures or pressures high enough to fuse that hydrogen; this would mean no stars, and no planets, nor life, so what did Powis do next?" Find out soon.''
"The great Powder Toy God. It went by the name of Powis and Dertoiy, created the universe by blasting protons into a rotating circle, and each particle collision created gas and plasma, and as the protons kept spinning, the amount of gas being created was enough to form the first galaxy..."
@xXstumpsXx who said the universe dosent spin? You did. You can never know if the universe spins as a whole, because you have nothing to mesure relative to.
Yes-yes, it's galaxy, my mistake :D