145 / 18
27th Nov 2013
11th Mar 2016
be sure to turn on the LN2 chiller or you will burn out the optics with feed back. If you wish to use manual controls leave the LCRY-SWITCH off.
electronics hightech adjustable complex over9000 photon phot beam laser controls


  • Sandwichlizard
    27th Nov 2013
    there are two ways to operate. 1. turn lcry pulser and set pulse width and freq. 2. leave LCRY pulser off and use the constant and stop buttons for a "continuous beam" also you can get a single pulse with the single button
  • Schneumer
    27th Nov 2013
    Also, it does NOTHING against tungsten.....seriously. no offense
  • Schneumer
    27th Nov 2013
    wait you...............i don't know anymore.....i feel.....dreaded.....AUGH. BTW, no need to make it look so complicated because that makes it even worse. Remember the laser of phot the guy made that was really small? Bigger isn't always better.....
  • Sandwichlizard
    27th Nov 2013
    Thank you sooo much. My wife almost divorced me over the time spent ;)
  • oliminecraft
    27th Nov 2013
    is on FP couple minutes after publishing well done
  • craZchick
    27th Nov 2013
    very effective nice job.