73 / 35
4th Dec 2013
18th Dec 2013
No Description provided.
geilesache turnoffgravity


  • jman31415
    8th Dec 2013
    Um, if I'm not mistaken, this savve not only uses stuff from other saves without giving credit (terrain from the terrain generator on fp within the past few days or so), but it's basically just spamming PROT and DEUT with some GPMP to make it have a fancy *boom* effect. Y_Y
  • SuperJim99
    7th Dec 2013
    try using yellow deut by setting its life to 1000000000 but +1
  • bpdarnold
    7th Dec 2013
    @chickenlittle, actually there are ten particles of dest. I just went to the console, typed in !set type dest none, and it showed ten particles.
  • epsilonultimate
    7th Dec 2013
    good effect anyway
  • epsilonultimate
    7th Dec 2013
    improve the deco and make it smaller
  • chickenlittle
    7th Dec 2013
    there is no dest in this version, just dmg deut prot thdr and ligh
  • TikiCZ
    7th Dec 2013
    It uses dmg , gbombs and lighting -_-
  • Alex_15759
    7th Dec 2013
    Did anyone else notice that the bomb used DEST? Try erasing the whole thing. The DEST is hidden
  • bpdarnold
    7th Dec 2013
    The only problem I have with it is that it uses dmg, which is kind of cheating.
  • bpdarnold
    7th Dec 2013
    @runemaster I don't even see a bomb on your saves. If you are going to argue that bombs are un-powerful or wimpy, than you better have a bomb that is as good or better. This bomb is good, but I think my proton nuke is better. It might not be. Anyway, stop being a negatie jerk until you come back with a bomb that is more powerful.