1221 / 80
14th Dec 2013
31st Dec 2023
I have spent over a week on this save! I hope you all enjoy it as much as i do :D. the bunker on this save is no easy task, but i bet you people will find ways. :p ENJOY! if there is a prob/some thing you don't like. plz comment. ~thespazz
bunker city building thespazz detailed town tough eastereggs doctorwho electronic


  • thespazz
    26th Jun 2014
    lol. .
  • frogo112
    26th Jun 2014
    You make it sound like American is a race :P
  • thespazz
    4th Jun 2014
    I changed some stuff around... enjoy!
  • thespazz
    19th May 2014
    lol. tru. but the list of reasons may go on 4ever.
  • explosivepowder
    19th May 2014
    oh ya, another hate reson : obama (no offence)
  • explosivepowder
    19th May 2014
    guys i think i know why america is hated so much : america is free... but what i dont understand about it is this : america has the highest liveing standerd in the world, so why dont the people MOVE to america (no offence and pleas dont hate me, but im american too)
  • sn331608
    4th May 2014
    Please make it so that the metal on the bottom does not conduct
  • akronmantpt
    16th Apr 2014
    My Armageddon bomb took seconds to transform the superficial city in molten metal and plasma in seconds. The entire bunker took some time to melt.
  • Doolittle
    30th Mar 2014
    my bomb flattened it..
  • ItchyBaboon
    19th Mar 2014
    i like this save, it took a long time to make a bomb that would destroy it, but then i made a lightning bomb, it goes through everything! but +1