It could be a long term mining operation, there are still lots of ores under the surface so a mining operation on it's own doesn't seem likely, they might build a city first, then build up and make a multi layer city, and convert the old buildings into mining buildings. So the planet could serve as both a mining planet and an area for people working on nearby planets to stay.
Still, could be cause for a planet busting mission. Even if life existed before, minerals of all sorts would be under the surface. If the empire had no morals, it wouldn't give a damn. A diamond or a cute little bear cub that will grow up to eat your face.. pretty simple choice.
@the_new_powder: When they landed. How long ago was that? We'll have no idea.
ouch, 9 fps. looks amazing though :)
@runemaster If you find the orbit of the planet you can see that there has to be a day and night because of how the planet is tilted. Also, in the description it says there was life when they landed.
Also, adding to my other statement, if you look at the moon it's incredibly large. Look at the scale of the buildings, then look at the moon. It's bloody MASSIVE, and is definitely capable of blotting out the sun. As for the light on it, this could be thesable. The lights are another colony, mining away at whatever minerals may be inside that moon. Also Imperatus, a moon doesn't always have to look like our moon. #Jupiter
Who knows. Maybe this is the setting for Deadspace 4.
Alright, alright.. about the tethers thing. And also @TheNewPowder: Why do you assume there even is a day? Analysis from last time makes me believe this is a mining operation.. so most likely set up on some distant hunk of space rock. Also, I think someone brought up Long Term Investments in terms of tethers. Well look at the surface, no green, no nothing. It's basically layer after layer of rock with minerals. Perhaps this is more of a Planet Busting mission. (You know, Ushimora story.)
It's attached to a station which must go just beyond the geostationary orbit of the planet, acting as a counterweight that keeps the tether stable and sound for the most part. However, there are mega-structures that act as planetary highways for a variety of traffic that are attached by collossal towers that criss-cross a planet, much like those seen on the planet on my Homepage.
What kind of straucture is the tether's destination? It would have to be something connected to other tehers as the Planet's gravity would not allow only one tether going into space. You should make a save depicting this structure, whatever it is.