VIRS is special, it doesn't use any normal properties at all, like life, ctype, or tmp. Changing those has no effect on it actually, it only effects what it cures into. It does use .tmp2 to store the type of what it cures into, the other things like how long until it cures and other state things are impossible to edit without modding the game (not even lua works)
Interesting thing to note; It charges vibr at the same rate as photons.
wise guy huh it the temarature. VIRS is 72 degrees, not 126.
By Cooling and updating (Liquid VIR) the VIR with more VIR you can create the reaction. Temp does afftect the reaction but not alone
@LiquidCaesium Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the info
I made a similar thing, but it disappears after a couple seconds. When VIRS comes into contact with soap, it stops infecting things, and soap stops doing anything to it. Maybe it's related to that in some way?
Hm....maybe because everything is the same temp, 126?