This phenomenon is actually pretty annoying sometimes. If they move fast enough, when they collide it produces SING, which proved to be rather annoying in a fusion reactor core I was trying to build (giant implosion). Basically, slow PROT collisions make HYGN, faster and you get NBLE (simulationg helium), then CO2 and O2, then PLUT/URAN, then SING at maximum velocities.
+1 probably why some proton bombs are making matter ._.
id:1421454 make it sometimes possible
you can make PROT go EXTREMELY fast and get SING.
OOH WIAT and radoactive waste is radioactive so radioactive is radioactive and drops radioactive neut so is radioacive waste not radioactive material and i am sayng radioactive radioavtive times
yep i was. and i know that
._. yeah? so i was too lazy to do that below
Plutonium isn't radioactive waste- it makes neut! Uranium is waste (in this game) because it is only radioactive in the sense that it makes heat. So, maximum speed is "radioactive material".