21 / 3
19th Jan 2014
1st Sep 2014
All of these engines are largely destructable! For more information and instructions, look at the forum thread (link in the save)
kerbal space asymmetric jklujm rocket engine thrust


  • jklujm
    26th Mar 2014
    I mean the engines*
  • jklujm
    26th Mar 2014
    It is actually a plasma thruster. I have lots of details surrounding the tanks in the forum thread.
  • Daniel219
    25th Mar 2014
    The "Weakling" Is basically an Ion Engine, Hall Efect Thruster, Etc., it Ionizes a gas (Mostly Xenon) to create a flow of ions giving low thrust but high specific impulse, or soemthing along those lines.
  • jklujm
    25th Mar 2014
    UPDATE: Added a nuclear pulse rocket to page 2.
  • jklujm
    24th Mar 2014
    UPDATE: I have created a new engine that has thrust vectoring! Page 2 can be found on a link in the save.
  • jklujm
    24th Mar 2014
    I play KSP all the time! I did some research on how throttle works in real life, and it is controlled by valves that feed into the combustion chamber to limit the fuel being combusted.
  • -Nyanmar
    23rd Mar 2014
    Shameless advertising-> I also have some SRBs and a KSP rocket, if you want to check them out.
  • -Nyanmar
    23rd Mar 2014
    I like these engines! Nice job, and clever throttle too!
  • jklujm
    20th Mar 2014
    I fear I would have to use an indestructable element, though.
  • jklujm
    20th Mar 2014
    I might look into that.