if anybody still doesnt know i will tell just say you dont know in this comments and i will tell you
sory for my bad languageXD
all right i think nowone can tell me how to make it so jou can get iron and sutch by clicking right ctrl and right alt on the same time so have fun with it
stupid filter. replaces the buttons needed for cracker64s secrets with "shenanigans". how annoying!
I think the lava is made by melting the following elements, i think. And by the way; when getting your secret elements; are you using the right alt and ctrl
well that doenst work for me i do it on another way if anybody else wants to know how i do just tell me how to make this lava
to get the elements iron,mort,rime,fog,llove,freeze,freeze water,bizarre gas,bizzare solid and lol element, simply hold cntrl+alt and select and element
if anybody can tell me how to do this i will tell him how to get the following elements: iron,mort,rime,fog,love,freeze,freeze water,bizarre gas,bizarre solid and lolz