V6 adds a speed bar, controlled using the + and - buttons, allows you to control the speed anywhere from 8 to 84 frames per increment. Each counter is 16 digits long. I encourage you to use these in your saves with credit.
@mecha-man. I need some help. id:1474563. I need a reset line on the INSL counter.
i love the colors
nice, fast and readable.
Oh nevermind, they use WIFI
Have you seen the quartzum counters?
cool thing but when u use plasma not eltros it kinda gets messed up
this is awesome work. It could however use a reset button.
nvm lol i got it to work
The array timing somehow gets off at the end creating that misplace
id:880762 it is having probs at the end of the prosses, it would mis-place and it has a small gap. i was just wondering if you can find a fix to the prob. no need to bust yourself over it if you cant.