@987tails Seems legit, half the stuff I think of is like that... By the way, +1 for having them :) Great save!
@warfare - sort of i made it look like it yet i didnt know it looked like it! :/
and last @devil-may-cry it took acually a pretty long time,camdog the city needed a cooling system im still working on,@water,@areostricker and@gabers i like to make a lil part in MLP, being different is better-like what einstein said, momentary physics, and No i will not @waterman so deal with something else, i work out physics more in MLP thus i like the nanosuit in other SIMS.but i also make war a tragety not a island.
Just noticed, those wheel-houses/chassies, the one on the left is from a Tiger tank and the one on the right is a Panzer IV. Is that intentional?
and @runemaster after sentinel-will smith was also an inspiration to me in the movie Irobot,Wild wild west and also legend
@nippy -WOAH im stunned,@sentinel-5 with your last comment with @randomness YES IT IS nanotech that supports the structure-nanoclovers are so amazing right?- they are 1 layer thick yet so tough! all powered with a bulkyball matrix
HOLY SHING WHERE did u guys come from!!! :o
why all the ponies? just asking because I love the addition, don't let haters stop ya; as I always say.
If you open the console and put !set temp all 300 you can see what cools it.. But... I don't see anything cooling down.. +1 ITS AMAZING. Especially cuz it has the mlp stuff in there. /)*(\
great to see more work from u!