A massive update was done to ensure the survival of the tractor city!
wow, sounds awesome, can't wait to see it
physic- ive got some good news and some bad news- unfortunately the space station is on hold (good news..) because im building the DAEDALUS TITIN FALL MECHA- which is a giant robot disignd for the war of the XENO CEPH. paleez- my girlfriend and pewdiepie wanted to see it. i had to make 1!
haha, great! not making too many saves right now, but when i do, i'll make sure u see it
saying sorry is an offence!- nah! i was simply aswering you physic BTW hows ur new FANMADE (cough cough byme!) logo going!
sorry @987tails, just wondering, still great save!
IMA famy too oh wait- I CREATED IT XD
I'm a huge fan of the design
back @nightlingshade-theres more where my logo came from ID:1409338
and no physic theres no buildings just building - theres only 1 building i remade from your building and then i just added up to making it bigger
@the physiclord- i guess i just remade it instead of copying it but ive made a few things on it different plus redecoing it wasnt so hard and didnt yours have stone as people? well i guess remaking it in this was kinda copying besides the ctrl+c then v wasnt me this time.