4 / 5
15th Feb 2014
11th Jun 2014
This wall is designed to test you bomb making skills to their limits. Machines are allowed. So far, I have not managed to make a bomb that goes through without using illegal elements.
easy impossible explosive nuke powerful tester test bomb strong bunker


  • h4zardz1
    21st Jun 2014
    "and warp at any time." well, i think it is the time to upgrade my bomb fuses, because VIBR creates EXOT and EXOT creates WARP.
  • triplematrix
    13th Jun 2014
    what is that stuff that takes up my screen its not qrtz at all its a life of some sort
  • MadisonSilver
    11th Jun 2014
    No warp? :'(
  • h4zardz1
    10th May 2014
    AMTR with life more than 4= as strong as sing+go on forever
  • konsole
    25th Apr 2014
    @h4zardz1 BRAY has never been a banned element in a bunker and nor will it ever be. Now hurry along and finish your BRAY laser.
  • h4zardz1
    24th Apr 2014
    well Bray. ?
  • rosenberg
    10th Apr 2014
    After some 'research' I have managed to re-create the effect, thank-you very much konsole, I am a fan of your work.
  • konsole
    9th Apr 2014
    Nobody has ever posted the secret in a save, and nor will I. Here's a hint: Compare the properties of the growing QRTZ in the wall with the properties of some QRTZ you place down.
  • rosenberg
    9th Apr 2014
    Just out of intrest, how do you do the whole expanding quartz thing anybody?
  • konsole
    22nd Mar 2014
    Actually, try id:1449526. Nothing's banned, but take a look at other's bombs and don't just add SING and show off.