4 / 5
15th Feb 2014
11th Jun 2014
This wall is designed to test you bomb making skills to their limits. Machines are allowed. So far, I have not managed to make a bomb that goes through without using illegal elements.
easy impossible explosive nuke powerful tester test bomb strong bunker


  • konsole
    16th Feb 2014
    Also, A wall is no good if it gets broken. Growing QRTZ and MERC make it harder to break - a side effect is ensuring the death of everything inside if it does get broken.
  • konsole
    16th Feb 2014
    @SlenderHunter id?
  • SlenderHunter
    16th Feb 2014
    beat with mini proton bomb. btw, the growing quartz/mercury type walls don't make sense to me. a wall protects things. these walls either 1. choke everything with spiky crystal or 2. rain poisonous mercury (often heated) on the world.
  • magnetman33
    15th Feb 2014
    Wow this is strong +1
  • konsole
    15th Feb 2014
    UPDATE: Added Protection against compressed LIGH