54 / 7
15th Feb 2014
18th Jan 2016
Draw with INWR ~TheSpazz No-Copying Enjoy!
sofast 2fast4you electronic


  • hdp
    20th Feb 2014
    hehe im a tpt veteran too, and this isnt as fast as some.
  • thespazz
    19th Feb 2014
    (3)The lowest SWCH on the triangle will turn off not letting PSCN array fire through it (and so on the higher the system scans). (4)The PSCN array fires from the side and erasing the scrap BRAY. (5)And repeat.
  • thespazz
    19th Feb 2014
    This is how it works (The PSCN arrays (to the left with the triangle of SWCH)) 1)The arrays on the sides (top and bottom fires). (2)The Array on the very top fires down going through the INWR and hitting the bottom array. (1+2)The top side array will block all the top arrays(the ones that are shooting down) unless the INWR is in the spot.
  • runemaster
    19th Feb 2014
    @Koox CRAY with a ctype of BRAY has the power to copy things, but destroy the original object. Just put up a ton of them firing with DLAY around an object and you should see an imprint.
  • Koox
    19th Feb 2014
    AHHHH MAGIC!!!! I am always awed with these copy machines. They are ingenious, and I have little knowlege about them. (I know there is cray or something.) anyway... +1!
  • ivel236
    19th Feb 2014
    mmm nice :D
  • runemaster
    18th Feb 2014
    This is incredible! +1.
  • i360
    18th Feb 2014
    Ouh.... wait i tought i saw another one which was put on the TPT website that is nearly the same. *bsssshht* *copying sound* brzzzzzzzzzszszszsz *copy done*
  • thespazz
    18th Feb 2014
    i360: nope :3 its new.
  • thederpityderp
    18th Feb 2014
    LOLZ, it says no copying, yet it is a copying machine! I get what it actually means, but still...