Welcome to Club BMN (Find us on Pg.120 on groups)! We welcome anyone! (Would appreciate it if you could speak some english, or Google Translate.) This group has great members and are all active as of now, many topics, and a great leader! Please join. :3
Also, I could make you a new logo if you'd like
does this group have a logo? Does this group need a logo? i could make one if you like :)
Oh yeah, BTW guys/gals the wooden dock texture is by BLIMP_SPARKY.
yes, yes I was
Yeah, you were accepted right?
Hey Schneumer. I just submitted reg form.
Oh, well our leader is actually in the Navy, that is why ;)
I see how it works. I will consider you invite.
So why the Navy. I'm not objecting, just curious.
Not really, it is just the stock market that we really use. Mostly just the forum.