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19th Feb 2014
19th Feb 2014
See that stickman there? It's your job to preotect him by building a bunker for him. The person who makes the ebst bunker will be crowned winner!
contest protect award awards price make stickman bunker competition winner


  • oghaki
    26th Feb 2014
    @konsole, the defense mechanisms are nerfed intentionally. I could set the DLAY times on the CRAY erase for the GPMP to any time needed. Further, I could extended the life of the BCLN. Finally, I could always set the tmp higher on the PQRT and QRTZ. I designed the wall to be defeatable but difficult when the bomb and wall begin at the same time. The point of this wall is to be destroyable while minimizing banned elements.
  • konsole
    25th Feb 2014
    A wall with defense mechanisms that only last a short while? Hmm...
  • oghaki
    24th Feb 2014
    @konsole, haha, you mean after all of the defense mechanisms are spent? The bunker is designed for the bomb to be placed at the beginning. As far as I can tell, the bomb does little to no damage.
  • konsole
    22nd Feb 2014
    @oghaki when it finishes blowing itself up, add id:1456218 and weep
  • oghaki
    21st Feb 2014
    *not many elements banned...
  • oghaki
    21st Feb 2014
    @underscore, it does not completely destroy itself. I think it would be very difficult for someone to get through my wall. If you don't mind, try to build a bomb to get through as a test. For reference, the original save is at id:1399851. Not may elements banned there. For example, fill the top with SING or DEST or BOMB and see if it breaks.
  • Underscore
    21st Feb 2014
    There is a problem with using ridiculous elements. It means you have no chance of getting through. It means the bunker is indestructible.
  • konsole
    21st Feb 2014
    *SIGH* here comes a DMND wall...
  • devastheempty
    21st Feb 2014
    okay, there is no problem with rediculous elements, my wall was just not perfect and i didnt anticipated possibilites of CRAY
  • Underscore
    21st Feb 2014
    I thought it would have been obvious not to use ridiculous elements in your bunkers...