My Fist Save, I admit it's terrible but I put effort in to this and I want people to see what I have done (even if its terrible). Any advice is welcome! Please be civilsed in the comments... I may continue to add stuff...
Scneumer soon nobody will want to talk to you.
Finally done!, dont worry i made it with the new version. ID:1466588
Oh sorry william! i am taking so long due to some internet problem :\
This is some intense stuff. +1
Great save! love the people. Combine this and the incendiary liquid. :) By the way I disagree with Schneumer. The best thing about this is the amount of things to blow up and how easy it is to destroy.
This actuallly isn't that bad, it's just a little repetitive. Maybe more detailed buildings and less people?
You mean cordyceps.
well im glad zombies are real but scientist dont mess with the fungii that produces the zombie infect
You need to make the zombies esayer on the eyes... +1
you could add a plane that is being attacked by the flying zombies in the upper right middle.