He only digests stone, bcol, sand and pqrt :), GIVE CREDIT! Type tpt.setfpscap(2) in the console for less lag.
@Slydog I apologize for being too offensive, I wasn't 'Trying' to be mean. I just was so excited. Anyway I know you got the barfing system off of my comment though, just saying!
I published the barfing system but do not unpause before you stamp them. also leeazu you could be a tad kinder i was saving the save for a special occasion to release it p.s. it was a statement not a advertisement
Was it an good idea to change his skin from sponge into goo :) ?
(Don't be a hyponocript from me mispelling VERY hard words *Disicion, Hypnocript, etc.* Because its just plain dumb.)
@Slydog Really, advertise, and it isn't even published? Thats really just a dumb disicion. People always (Usually on TPT) think once you advertise, its always published, so your right, but seriously, Publish BEFORE Advertising.
@NCM Probably gonna be my fault, Since I save alot, ALL THE TIME! Everyday.
lol feed him stkm
yea :D
and the view number is up to 77729 its gonna be funny whenit gets to 77777 XD
well i loaded the save left it running for an hour by accident when i looked back there was tons of blood on the floor but he was still alive soooo it all worked out haha