He only digests stone, bcol, sand and pqrt :), GIVE CREDIT! Type tpt.setfpscap(2) in the console for less lag.
Idea's try making like a solar system creation thingy
Back :D
It doesnt explode bro :D but cool ;)
ID:1537176 Larkfigt bomb, doom of all bombs. Try it, please!
Load, Check out my Page, It's FULL of bombs, and other stuff; mainly for testing! Everything is a prototype! Add ideas to my things if you want! Plus, I love ideas, but note: NOTHING WITH SCRIPTING! I AM A STATE-OF-ART CREATOR! just put my username and be AMAZED!
haven't been here for a while but wow its even better then before hope you still remeber me
Oh and heres the BOMB/Missle Launcher with VENT, CLNE, BOMB,DMND, URAN for decor, TTAN and INSU to insulate URAN, and mainly WALL too. ID:1535591
Tested it again. Then he pooped MWAX skin, or something else, constantly, and again the GEL brain fell everywhere, and the blood froze once hitting something. He is very fragile. Note that.
Shot the missle launcher/bomb sprayer at his head, and his brains flew out everywhere. Litterally. But Ironically, when the GEL hit the ground, it flowed everywhere, including in the fire, not even hardening.
Gel infusion + Blood = Puke = Death, Can you add a more, well, safe way so he doesn't die?