3631 / 319
5th Mar 2014
20th Jan 2021
He only digests stone, bcol, sand and pqrt :), GIVE CREDIT! Type tpt.setfpscap(2) in the console for less lag.
human biology blood realistic life body real loadstar electronic spark


  • TheAzn123
    14th Mar 2014
    What does blood fusion do I know it adds blood or something to the blood stream but when I added gel or soap it didn't work why not?
  • Loadstar
    14th Mar 2014
    kitkat its ok
  • Loadstar
    14th Mar 2014
    Krystian you go with the pen over the dtec sensor and changed ther properties to concrete :) this is the reason
  • AKitKat
    14th Mar 2014
    May I publish the skeleton? I'll give credit.
  • AKitKat
    14th Mar 2014
    I carved out the skeleton... xD
  • Krystian260599
    14th Mar 2014
    If you cover him all completely in concrete (including inside) apparantely he still lives and receives radiation damage
  • Loadstar
    14th Mar 2014
    in the respirator you have to put gasses, this will go in his lungs and he will convert it in co2 and breath it out. By the blood infusion you have to spark the pscn button to infuse blood in his blood vessels, this can be used when he bleeds and you will repair him and need blood :) (Well you would colore the bizr first with filt, and it takes too much time, i prepare it for you)
  • walrux1
    14th Mar 2014
    How does the blood infusion and respirator work?
  • Loadstar
    14th Mar 2014
    akitkat too much space for the eye xD,
  • AKitKat
    14th Mar 2014
    You should add crying.