When I made him drink acid.. he sorta exploded.
no prob, it will follow now more buttons :P
cool! the big boom button :)
vina bcol should be his Sh** xD, when you feed him with a materia it will convert in bcol(sh**), and when you give him gas to respirate he will breath co2(well it convert in the lung to it). cryogenesis, when its the cooling system, he have only 2 bcln(ln2) what balance his temperatur in 20-22 C. But i can integrate an liddle cooling system what will cool the body quickly when he exceeds his normal temperatur, easiest thing, but needs a lot of space (8 pixels)
why did u just put a green button that triggers red also :(
TheAzn123 That is not what really happens, it takes 15-20 mins to just pass out.
Where does the bcol come from!?!? If you feed him nitr, bcol. If you cool and heat him to normal again, bcol. How? Are you trying to use humans as a source for fuel? X-D And no, cryogenesis does not work for him, just like real life. :-(
Off to school now back at 3:30 mountain