3631 / 319
5th Mar 2014
20th Jan 2021
He only digests stone, bcol, sand and pqrt :), GIVE CREDIT! Type tpt.setfpscap(2) in the console for less lag.
human biology blood realistic life body real loadstar electronic spark


  • thespazz
    8th Mar 2014
    @Schneumer: there is making somthing that has been made many times. then there is copying and pasting.
  • UltimateUnknown
    8th Mar 2014
    how do you move things
  • Loadstar
    8th Mar 2014
    what? These are cigars and a lighter O.o and 18+ was a joke
  • jasiu2002
    8th Mar 2014
    What does the 18+ stuff do? Is it supposed to hurt him? Like the syringe does completly nothing
  • Loadstar
    8th Mar 2014
    No problem i learn currently english wich reason i make mistakes xD.
  • jklujm
    8th Mar 2014
    sorry for being a spelling nazi, but it is "isolate" :/ sorry
  • Loadstar
    8th Mar 2014
    I will isulate the respiration box to gasses, the workshop for him is now online ! There you can copy clothes items whatever you want for him and post ist, when i like it i will post it too in the workshop save :). (its linked in the save) and schneumer and eggy i understand, whats with the reactor:D? jkujm i fix it, kristyan its the update he will shi* coal and breathe co2:).
  • eggy15
    8th Mar 2014
    @ Schneumer if it's the same kind of nuclear reactor you always see, then yeah.
  • jklujm
    8th Mar 2014
    and this guy can breathe water
  • jklujm
    8th Mar 2014
    there is some SPNG on the chestplate that is from the skin