NO WIFI. Multifunction laser now with Integrated HYGN fusion capability. UPDATE: made some tweeks to the Neutron converters. Updated signs
Ok, nvm. Apparently green isn't anymore. I just tried it and a bunch of phots just got reflected. :/ Ohh, times have changed
Whenever I get unexpected results I try to take mental note for future use.
Also, if you're changing the PHOT colour, I would suggest green as it is the most absorbed colour (in TPT anyway). This means that no PHOTs are reflected when they hit the target. Also makes the laser beam look a little eco-friendly.
Lucky find then! But I guess luck does reward the curious mind. Perhaps you should credit jklujm (I don't think it was me) since w/out them, this might not have become a reality?
thanks ;)
I think I am going to change the photon color though
Quite a powerful prot laser, and with the right settings makes a very precise cut. +1.
I have been thinking about it ever sense the last one. I started tinkering with BIZS because one of you guys said I should have ELEC (you were so right). You know that my config gives the "option" of a mixed neutron/photon beam. When I did that at the BIZS the ELEC made from the remaining PHOT reacted with the NEUT making HYGN. That was an "AHHA" moment, but I never took it further until 2 days ago. I was already in production when I told you I was going to do it.
Nice work! but does it blend? lol jk ^_^ +1
I think you need to put some DLAY on the switches? Sometimes when an option is double-sparked to fast, their SWCH light panel things get confused.