This is a new version that utilizes very similar technology as my first video. The decoding logic has been moved into the display, thus removing the need for WIFI, which in turn allows extreme resolutions. Enjoy!
Awesome piece of work!
You forgot to include Nyan Cat in the Extras, though...
+1. Just +1.
how the screen works? i am trying to make things like this, but ever fails... [sorry for my bad english, i am brazilian]
I'm waiting for the new movie ;) the wave and actors are cool !
that wwoud be boss
*GASP* *idea* Could you make a color HD video with pistons, CRAY and all the new elements?!?
And again. Wait, is it allowed to vote up somebody ELSE'S saves with multiple accounts? Hm... I can't believe how far TPT has progressed. Maybe you could do something cool with pistons now? Moving pixels! This is really epic and genius. Thanks for making this!
Mind = Blown. +1 The skylights near the start looked so smooth and the stickman too! It's so quick too, like 65% of real time in TPT. The stickman was good too. I wanted to vote up, but I found I had already voted up for it. Then I wished I could vote up again. And again.
man, how the hell you do that, i dont know, but i do know that its the most awsome thing ive seen on the tpt ever. +21212315468978451234187561231 votes. lol. (if i could) +1vote!