3877 / 123
18th Mar 2014
7th Oct 2014
This is a new version that utilizes very similar technology as my first video. The decoding logic has been moved into the display, thus removing the need for WIFI, which in turn allows extreme resolutions. Enjoy!
screen electronic video movie animation filt some funny stickman nyan


    9th Nov 2014
    @drakide, what about use the FILT technology to make an computer. I really like computers here, but they have a very small processing capacity. It would spent a lot of time and effort, but in the end, will be very great. I'm talking about 64-128 byte computer.
  • drakide
    8th Nov 2014
    @sweatydog29: I am aware what "framerate" means, but I don't get how you want to increase it. Could you build a demo?
  • sweatydog29
    5th Nov 2014
    If you used conv instead of pscn, the framerate would double without affecting the screen, although the movie would be half as long (I didn't mean add 2x as many frames- just make them go by faster.)
  • drakide
    4th Nov 2014
    @sweatydog29: Increasing the framerate would decrease the pixel density, so it's a no go. However this screen actually is extremely fast. Just make sure to use nothing display.
  • sweatydog29
    3rd Nov 2014
    could you make the framerate higher? Like, you could you use the mechanism from a piston ship that uses 2 or 3 pistons so the framerate doubles or triples?
  • 12Me21
    1st Nov 2014
    aww.. this means that I wasn't the first to use filt to store information...
  • agentomega98
    1st Nov 2014
  • GunBuilder
    30th Oct 2014
    Wow, i watched the WHOLE thing and this is all i can say: .
  • Superelement155
    24th Oct 2014
    WOW. THATS AMAZING....like, wow. nice +1
  • Blaze266
    17th Oct 2014
    Omg how can you do this?! This deserves the first place