This is a new version that utilizes very similar technology as my first video. The decoding logic has been moved into the display, thus removing the need for WIFI, which in turn allows extreme resolutions. Enjoy!
Sure. Please note that if you made screen like the size I said, either you would need to make the pixels very big, or deal with EXTREMELY spaced out pixels. I will create a save with my design in it and post the ID.
very fantastic creation good i wish you make more of this :)
@unknownkarma: Would you mind sharing your technique?
I came up with a design to get past the not enough wifi channels problem. I could make it have a 562949953421312x562949953421312 display. However, the area for making things in TPT is not big enough for that, lol. In fact that would be the highest resolution ever created, and with that much space you really wouldn't need to use WiFi anyways.
Ah. My set up will store no where near the same amount of data, lol.
@unknownkarma yes if you can imagine each chromatic shift corresponding to a different set of possible patterns, thats how each pixel on each line is calculated to make-up a frame. that paired with a cray display which is a flip/flop makes it unbelievably compressed.
I still don't understand how the pixels read the phot, nor how it can change entire lines. Does it have to do with individual colors inside the phot?
wow this must have taken so long +1
oh my god this is amazing