...then try this, you alien.
I have this up in another window, and the first clock has only fired six times.
Check that. We'd probably be in the quadrillionth universe by the time a 10^10000 year clock turned on the LCD.
Do 10^10000 years. Then the universe will have been through thousands, if not millions, of universe lifetimes by the time the screen lights up.
that is pretty amazing.
You must upgreat result. If you wont to add my formula. ID1009947
the andromeda galaxy will crash to our galaxy faster than the light turn on
this would take a while even changing the dlay to gold...
obviously the power of ten is a supermathmatic method, he used it to find god lol
@bloxgate: googolplex is 10^10^100, so 10 to the power of googol!
nope god would have died of old age by the time this clock runs out