Test your nukes,all your lasers, E.M.Ps and any other gadget you want to test. hell, you can even test your soap gun! Just try to kill the stickman [Since 2012]
@h4zardz1 If you get your azures good enough, you can destroy VOID, or at least displace it.
Wow this is very close to having more likes thn down likes-
and i am SOOOOO wishing that BVOD is released.
Hey Guys dont hate on the bray there is a VERY LOT of things any "NORMAL" bomb could use to break it and besides its only there to hold in the SOAP for the anti-virus feature
and i mean life is time. (i have to wait VERY LONG)
Care to turn on Newtonian Gravity?
id:1527843 My high-speed bomb. Usually for layered walls but with your mass of C-5 and BRAY I made an exception.
Warp is acceptable
BOMB CRAY [WARP] DEST LIFE only WARP is allowed.
BRAY is breakable for only CRAY, DEST, BOMB. that means it is unbreakable for NORMAL bombs.