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This is cool, but how did this get up here?
If you compare the nucleaus of an atom to be 1 mm in diameter, the whole atom's diamater would be 10 meters
Probably one of the most important experiments ever done in realtion to the atom.
you could also do it this way id:1512238
well in the real expirement most of the particles would go right through it but its cool otherwise +1
this is completely accurate because it demonstartes what happened in the experment. some photons bounced back others went through but refracted. and others just stopped. this save is as accurate as it can get so to all of the dumb arses who think this is stupid and isnt worthy of frontpage. you can shut up because you obviously dont appreiciate quality. +1
Give the man some credit folks. He got it mostly right. and TPT doesn't have "gold foil" that possesses the same properties as in the original experiment. He did the best he could.
be absorbed because the it can bring the matter to the next energy level, or bounce off of it because it can't bring the matter to the next energy level and there is matter in the way of the photon's path. Photons bring matter to their next energy state.
Photons in powder toy are incorrect. A Photon isn't matter, it's energy. In TPT photons act like matter. If TPT was developed to be super accurate, the photons would either pass through the matter(via holes in the matter) because it can't bring the matter to the next energy level,
he tested it on gold foil, used alpha radiation (helium atoms), and he had a co scientist named marsdon - if thats how its spelt - so this is nothing like his experiment :(