Good For Under Sea Bases. its Supplys Power and Oxygen From Water, all what you need under water. includes a destiller, hydrogen heater source, a Terminal-Battery TLBY, Oxygen Compressor, Electrosis, Small Liquid Oxygen Tank, H/O2 Filter. enjoy :D
detroit671 simply remove it then bad pc
Your Random machine simply creates lag. -1
the food is that that trees create the 02 and food (salads fruits apples etc etc.)
The TLBYs are very cool, but you might want to think about replacing the METL in them with TUNG. They act exactly the same, except they charge more quickly and last longer.
I like the batteries a lot.
I love it but I just wish There was a possible way to create a destroyable Power Generator/Oxygen provider :(, anyway 1+
I like it! Those batteries are awesome! They're probably the most efficient heat/electric-based batteries I've ever seen!
this is a LOXY generator. +1
the TLBY's are now free to use. you can simple say it like TLBY = telbie :3
i think it weights a ton or something, and its too big for a submarine