164 / 18
4th Feb 2011
4th Apr 2012
A broken coal burner that boils water to create steam that will turn generators. The broken coal reserve can last for hours on top of hours!
generators coal fire steam pollution smoke electronics sweet pull-the-bleep smokeisdust


  • Joda123
    14th Jun 2011
    Yay!!! I can get on the internet on the PT Console now!! I can't close this though... :/
  • hankbanker
    9th Jun 2011
    @Joda123 i did floodfill
  • Joda123
    28th May 2011
    who knew, just a simple generator would get this far? oh and i think i came up w/ an explanation for hankbanker. I think its lasting for hours because my computer is tooooooooooo laggy. LYLOL! live your life out loud
  • Joda123
    28th May 2011
    yea, but you have to use floodfill in the thingy.
  • hankbanker
    20th May 2011
    it cant run for "hours on hours" it cant run for evan an hour in less than 5 minnets it used 1/10th of the bcol fuel :( THE CAKE IS A LIE :D
  • Joda123
    6th May 2011
    o and i'm working on something (something EPIC) on the guest account right now. i just need a way to connect to the internet...the trick that usually works though, is to disconnect the DSL, and blah, blah,blah...
  • Joda123
    6th May 2011
    on the guest account. main account had a hard drive failure. SO STRESSING!!!
  • Joda123
    17th Apr 2011
    and i forgot to mention, your fuel source has to keep burning. if you take dust, it will burn, but it won't keep burning. lo2 wouldn't work because its just too messy and same as the above. and yest, wouldn't work at all.
  • Joda123
    31st Mar 2011
    i put now instead of not. lol
  • Joda123
    28th Mar 2011
    I put up the link for the new generator. im now telling you where i put it, but its in the save. and i changed the generator type. its not plasma anymore! :0