Using CONV.
Mostly because of the pixel density. So I made a mini one with a lower pixel density.
Why.. why WHY are they so big! Lasers a helluva lot smaller can achieve that heat, creating a new one that's the length of the wall of friggin' china sure as hell won't get attention.
BRAY-heated laser.
You could make it more compact by putting the CONV on diagonals.
This is NOT a new technology. I do not mean that you copied it, but this EXISTED for quite some time. Look at this save, and its upload time id:566914
and congrats on FP man
yeah I dont like having uran and pump. I like having boyle and uranium or vent and uranium
@program and anyone else saying I should use pump and uranium: This is a DIFFERENT heating technology, not necessarily a better one. It is a concept. And I don't like trying to contain the pressure from the pump.
just shut it schneumer!
I like just putting PROT through a large tube of SEED, but I guess the top one is still faster :P