This is my first computer, so it only has one function: Being a traffic light controller. The red light lasts for a longer time than yellow and green. It's full automatically. Please comment so I can improve it.
So, generally it is already a computer with IF-THEN-Logic (If green on THEN yellow and red off)
I think I begin to understand now :)
its the beginning of a computer. :) if there were a set of these at an intersection and a car approached and triggered an input to switch the lights for a time and then switch them back. Then you would have a simple computer. input - decision - output. It is if-then-else logic. IF car THEN green/red ELSE red/green. of course you would build it with a series of switches probably.
not a computer, its a clock/timer.
@catopps Ok I will try to make a bigger delay :)
its good but i think there should be more of a delay between the light changes +1
Very nice!