This is why I fail grammar tests.
lol dom2mom you used the word "Grammer" instead of "Grammar".
If a tree falls down in the woods.... Would a hipster buy the soundtrack?
If a tree falls down in the woods.... Would a hipster buy the soundtrack?
*sigh*, *succession. My career is ruined.
If I messed something up I am going to be so mad.
@bonbonthenoob, The correct spelling and grammer of the sentence you are attempting to compose, is directly correlated to the amount of slang you are using in the sentence. For example, using two explanation points followed by multiple capital
letters in sucession is not considered beneficial to the structure of the sentence involved. Also, using the exaggeration "everybody" contributes to the supposed illiteracy, liberality, and uncontrollability of the newest generation of peoples. Yours truly, - Grammer Nazi.