175 / 47
10th Jun 2014
10th Jun 2014
No Description provided.
heal shield warp persistant generic virsandsoap regenerate nanotech


  • SuicidalKid
    17th Jun 2014
    Can still be destroyed by a virus, so try to stick it in an immune system!
  • explosivepowder
    17th Jun 2014
    i also ment 1 at a time, aparently 2 at oince destroyes it
  • explosivepowder
    17th Jun 2014
    4 of my nukes destroyed it, but still, prety cool ya know, +1... +1 M if i could :P
  • CommanderKitty
    16th Jun 2014
    Program, you're right. BUT, the concept is completely copied, with no credit.
    16th Jun 2014
    OMG im so sorry i killed the thing it just wouldn't grow back so i kept on slicing it then it died im so sorry (+1)
  • Timo_Ho
    16th Jun 2014
    Good work +1 but not indestructable! I destroyed it with ten of my EXOT bombs
  • KydonShadow
    16th Jun 2014
    edit: okay, so it has been done before, but by tons of people. So what if this guy made his own, and it just so happened to get FP. Dont get mad just because you cant get a save on FP
  • KydonShadow
    16th Jun 2014
    If its copied then post the original id. @Commanderkitty, you keep saying its copied. Provide the id of the save it was copied from. Personally, I think this is a great save. Good job. +1
  • crazyboo12
    15th Jun 2014
    Great sav! Guys quit buggin the guy, what about people and their bomb saves; same type, different design, as with this. +1
  • program
    15th Jun 2014
    Enough guys. This isnt "copied" or "stolen". If it was it would be the EXACT same save and the EXACT same pixels used and arranged. Wheres a contributor when you need one?