The 6-bit text saved into 3-crumb data. The data is saved as base-4. - there are ACEL, PSNS, GLAS, or COAL in each digit. Hope you enjoy.
i see a creeper face when i was using it
when it comes to the BIN - DEC rods i dont know what im doing. i keep hitting all outputs, and this guy hits selected outputs through the scanning, what am I doing wrong?
Whoa, very awesome... And what a neat physical way to encode the data. This is among one of the few things to actually have a higher data density than what it outputs. (in terms of pixels)
@Zach the advantage of it is that it's using base 4 system... It would take a lot more space in the other case.
Great, 8-Frames per character, base-4, 3-crumb data... Wonderful. +1
Cool. You have this much skill, try making it using a base-2 system now! +1
Awesome and usually useful for some computers.. It looks like a keyboard or a passcode protector. This is the most awesome save I've seen ever in T.P.T. +1
@mecha-man Free to copy. Don't you see the credit?
Can I use the keyboards for my FILT version of this?