7-bit linear grapher with 256*256 display and axes. 1 pixel=1unit. Graphs functions in the form of y=mx+c. Only spark numbers when the green light above the numpad is on. Maximum value for m and c is (-)127. Runs on full fps. Tell me about any glitches.
this does your math FOR you.
likw when you put [x+(354-6)] or [x+cos(y)] to 3d
Dudes, help this survive on FP.
@cheeseyburger i didn't make it and i admit i don't understand ARRAY electronics like this. but if i was gonna make it i'd have it start at 0,0 then move up the y axis by the value of (c) (- values go down), then it'd send the x tracer to the far left of the graugh (right for - values) and go down by the distance from 0,0 to the dropoff of the graugh,
leaving the tracer coordinates at the starting point of the line. then it would draw a vertical line (m) pixels in height, when this line was done it would step one pixel up and one to the right (left for - values) before drawing the same vertical line. it would continue this process until it reached the edge of the graugh, then reset to 0,0.
omg ao cool i remember this at my math lessons ._. +1
Wow, nice! Pretty good electronics, and very fast. +1
@robogeek537: very
Also, how hard would it be to graph rational functions?
cheeseyburger, the answer is very carefully.